
Answers to your Frequently Asked Zoning Questions
What is Zoning?
An ordinance regulating the location, height, bulk, erection, construction, alteration, razing, removal and size of structures; the percentage of lot which may be occupied; the size of yards, courts and other open spaces. The density and distribution of population; the intensity of use of land or bodies of water for trade, industry, residence, recreation, public activities or other purposes, and the uses of land for agriculture, water supply, conservation, or other purposes, in all portions of East Rockhill Township.
ZONING PERMITS are required for new or replacement:
- All building permits
- Demolition
- Sign
- Paver patio
- Earth Disturbance / Grading
- Fence or Wall
- Shed or Accessory Building, see helpful Information
- Home Occupation
- Accessory Family Apartment
- Change or Added Use
- Chickens and Livestock
- Change in non-residential tenant or ownership
- Non-Conforming Use Registration
- New Impervious Surface
Zoning and Code Enforcement
The Township’s laws are written and adopted as Ordinances and are codified into the Township Code. Residents with questions or concerns about a particular activity or wishing to report a possible Code violation can do so by reporting an informal complaint utilizing report a concern. Should any legal action be required a formal complaint must be received in writing with photographs and cannot be anonymous.
Landlords—Register Your Tenants
Landlords are required to register tenants with the township annually or 30 days after they take possession.
Zoning Hearing Board
Variance requests are relief that is granted pursuant to the provisions of the zoning ordinance and authorizes a property owner to use their land for something that may not otherwise be allowed because of the location, size, shape, or other attribute of the property. Only the zoning hearing board may grant or deny a variance to a property owner after holding a public hearing. The process is governed by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.