Boards & Commissions
To volunteer, submit an application for consideration
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission reviews zoning updates, Conditional Use hearings, subdivision, and land development applications that have been submitted to the Township. The Commission acts in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors regarding all planning and zoning issues and function in accordance with the requirements of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC). Meetings are held monthly on the 1st Thursday for a work session and on the 2nd Thursday for a regular meeting. Meetings are cancelled if there are no projects to review. Members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors to 4-year terms.
- Joe Chellew, Chairperson, term expires 12/31/25
- Anne Fenley, Vice-Chairperson, term expires 12/31/26
- Dave Nyman, Secretary, term expires 12/31/26
- Richard Kelly, term expires 12/31/25
- Blake Eisenhart, term expires 12/31/27
- Aaron Teel, term expires 12/31/24
- Colin Monahan, term expires 12/31/24
Zoning Hearing Board
The Zoning Hearing Board is a quasi-judicial body who hears requests for variances and special exceptions from the terms of the zoning ordinance. They also hear appeals on interpretations from the zoning officer. They function in accordance with the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC) and all hearings are conducted as outlined in its requirements. Members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors to 3-year terms.
- John Fenley, Chairperson term expires 12/31/24
- Arlo Eby, Vice-Chairperson term expires 12/31/25
- Pat McAnally, Member term expires 12/31/26
- Dan Soliday, Alternate
- Andrew Slike, Alternate
Uniform Construction Code Joint Board of Appeal
Under the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (UCC), municipalities administering the code are required to establish a board of appeals to conduct hearings and decide appeals based on the Building Code Official’s interpretation of the UCC. East Rockhill Township, West Rockhill Township, Dublin Borough and Silverdale Borough make up the Joint Board of Appeals composed of appointments from each municipality. Hearings are scheduled as needed within 60 days of receipt of an appeal.
- James Kopchak, term expires 12/31/24
- Robert E. Smith, term expires 12/31/24
- Kevin Toothman, term expires 12/31/24
Park and Recreation Committee
The Park and Recreation Committee assist the Supervisors planning, regulating and maintaining parks, recreation facilities and programs. Meetings are held as advertised quarterly on the 2nd Tuesday in February, May, August, November, as needed. Members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors to 5-year terms.
- Diane Blodgett, 2023 Chairperson, term expires 12/31/24
- Stefanie Brzezicki, 2023 Vice-Chairperson term expires 12/31/27
- Anne Fenley, term expires 12/31/25
- Arthur Hallett, term expires 12/31/26
- David Stevens, term expires 12/31/24
- Roseann Valone, term expires 12/31/28
- vacancy, term expires 12/31/25
Elected Auditors
Article IX of the Second Class Township Code provides for the election of a 3-member Board of Auditors to “audit, settle, and adjust” the accounts of the township and determine the wages of any Supervisors serving as employees of the Township. However, the Code also permits the Township Board of Supervisors to contract with a certified public accountant to audit the accounts of the township in lieu of the Board of Auditors. East Rockhill Township appointed Dunlap and Associates, P.C., to conduct the annual audit and prepare the financial statements.
- Thaddeus Brzezicki, Chairperson, term expires 12/31/27 (6-year term)
- Vicki Sellers, Vice-Chairperson, term expires 12/31/25 (4-year term)
- Blake Eisenhart, term expires 12/31/29 (6-year term)
Vacancy Board Member
The Vacancy Board consists of the Board of Supervisors and one elector of the township who is appointed by the Board of Supervisors at the annual Organization Meeting and serves as Chair or that meeting. If the Board of Supervisors is unable to fill a vacancy on the Board of Supervisors or for other elected position, the Vacancy Board has 15 days to do so.
- Anne Fenley
Pennridge Regional Police Commission
Pennridge Regional Police Commission is comprised of three representatives with East Rockhill Township and West Rockhill Township appointments. Meetings are held monthly at Pennridge Regional Police Headquarters.
- Gary Volovnik, East Rockhill Township Representative
- David Nyman, Alternate
Pennridge Wastewater Treatment Authority
Regional sewer treatment plant with six members, each member appoints representatives to serve on the Board with monthly meetings held. East Rockhill Township representative provides a report at the Board of Supervisor monthly meeting.
- David Nyman, East Rockhill Township Representative
Pennridge Area Coordinating Committee
Representatives from Pennridge School District and local municipalities hold monthly meetings as needed to give updates on municipal activity. East Rockhill Township representative provides a report at the Board of Supervisor monthly meeting.
- David Nyman, East Rockhill Township Representative
- Gary Volovnik, Alternate