Update: Renew Bible Church has requested a continuance and therefore their application will not be reviewed at the 3/6/2023 Hearing. A date will be rescheduled prior to 5/31/2023.
Please take notice that the East Rockhill Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold public hearings on Monday, March 6, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the East Rockhill Township Municipal Building, 1622 Ridge Road, Perkasie, Pennsylvania to consider the following applications:
- The Application of Jerrica Grance, Blair Image Elements concerning a property located at 1153 N 5th Street, Perkasie, East Rockhill Township, also known as Tax Map Parcel Number 12-014-021-002. This property is located in the C-O – Commercial Office Zoning District. The Applicant is seeking a variance from Section 27-2007.c.(2) of the East Rockhill Township Zoning Ordinance to allow for two new signs that exceed the allowable square footage of sign area. Specifically, the Applicant is proposing two new signs on the Giant grocery store, one of which will read Giant Direct and is proposed to be approximately 15.69 square feet and the other will read Pharmacy and is proposed to be approximately 22.31 square feet.
- Continued: The Application of David H. Artman of Renew Bible Church concerning a property located at 1600 N. Fifth Street, Perkasie,, East Rockhill Township, also known as Tax Map Parcel Number 12-014-004. This property is located in the C-E Cultural- Education Zoning District. The property currently contains the Renew Bible Church, which was formerly known as First Baptist Church of Perkasie. The Applicant is proposing to construct a 16,616 square foot addition to the existing complex and a 12,320 square foot gym/storage building to the rear of the property. In addition, the Applicant is proposing to expand the parking areas, add a new athletic field and provide other associated site improvements. To install the proposed improvements, the Applicant is seeking the following variances: (1) from Section 27-304.C1.c to allow for 496 parking spaces where 1,242 are required; (2) from Section 27-1102.b to permit an impervious surface percentage of 45.13% where 30 % is the maximum allowed; and (3) from Section 27-1900.d to permit disturbance of 39.1% of the woodlands on the site where 20% is permitted.
- The Application of Frederick A. Wedman concerning a property located at 1516 W. Park Avenue, Perkasie, Pennsylvania, also known as Tax Map Parcel Number 12-008-092-001. This property is located in the Township’s R-1 – Residential Zoning District. The Applicant is seeking a variance from Section 27-802.b. of the East Rockhill Township Zoning Ordinance to allow for a 20.8% building coverage where 15% is permitted. The request is the result of the Applicant’s proposal to demolish an existing nonconforming garage and replace it with a new garage that is 2,070 square feet for the storage of his motorhome and other vehicles.
The applications and accompanying documents are on file for public inspection Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the East Rockhill Township Municipal Building unless posted otherwise.