Winter Weather Reminder
With the predicted upcoming snow event, the Township would like to request residents make sure the following items are checked to ensure the safety and welfare to the traveling public.…
On behalf of Perkasie Regional Authority
The following is provided on behalf of Perkasie Regional Authority (PRA), East Rockhill Township's public water provider. Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) have jurisdiction over public water systems. Questions…
Fall-Winter 2024 Printed Newsletter
The Fall - Winter 2024 printed newsletter has been delivered to all residents mailboxes. Thank you to the following advertisers providing the printed newsletter at no cost to residents. Bishops…
Managing Stormwater on your Property this Fall
Fall is here! And with this change in season comes cooler temperatures, shorter days, and lots of yard work to tackle. When crossing off your to-do-list this fall, it’s important…
2024 Fall Leaf Collection Schedule
East Rockhill Township began its leaf collection program because of the need to keep storm water inlets clear. The leaves collected are taken to facilities that recycle them into compost.…
Pennridge School District Returns to Class
Good luck to students, teachers, administrators, and staff in the Pennridge School District as they return to class on Monday, August 26. For Parents As you approach the School Zone,…
Mosquito Season Helpful Information
Source: Bucks County Department of Health More Information…
Sewer & Street Light Customer Portal
**Updated 8/6/2024** To clarify the updated sewer & street light payment portal, for customers who do not want to incur any processing fees, the Township will continue to accept an…