Aug 21, 2024
Event Overview
PSD Start of 2024-2025 School Year
Monday, August 26
Good luck to students, teachers, administrators, and staff in the Pennridge School District as they return to class on Monday, August 26.
For Parents
- As you approach the School Zone, slow down and drive extra cautiously.
- Don’t load or unload children across the street from the school.
- Don’t double park; it blocks visibility for other children and vehicles.
- When flashers are blinking, stop and yield to pedestrians crossing the crosswalk or intersection.
- Be prepared for kids to appear in unexpected places, such as from between parked cars; if they’re on bikes, prepare for them to turn in front of you without looking or signaling.
- If you need to use your phone, be sure you’re pulled over safely.
- Watch for kids walking while looking at their phones. One study found that a full 20 percent of high school students cross the street while distracted.
- If possible, carpool to reduce the number of cars at school.
- Don’t ever block a crosswalk; it forces pedestrians to go around you and could put them in the path of moving traffic.
- If you’re driving behind a school bus, allow a greater following distance than if you were driving behind a car—at least three car lengths.
- Stay alert for flashing lights on a bus, which warn drivers of an impending stop. Treat yellow flashing lights the same as a yellow stop light and decrease your speed. Stop when you see red flashing lights.
- The area 10 feet around a school bus is the most dangerous for children; stop far enough away to allow them space to safely enter and exit the bus.
Tell Your Children To...
- Take their time and pay attention every time they get on and off the bus. If a hand railing is available, use it.
- Always wait for the bus at the spot where it arrives. And wait until the bus is completely stopped—with its stop arm extended—before they approach to board or stand to exit.
- Never cross in front of the bus. If they must, walk at least 10 feet in front of it and make sure any drivers can see you. Make eye contact and wait for them to wave you on before crossing.
- Don’t walk to school with headphones in your ears or while looking at your phone.
- Walk on the sidewalk; if there’s no sidewalk and you must walk in the street, walk facing traffic.
- Before crossing the street, stop and look left, right, and left again to see if cars are coming.
- Always cross the street at crosswalks. If no crosswalk is available, cross at intersections; never in the middle.
- Remember that there’s safety—and visibility—in numbers. Whenever possible, walk in groups rather than alone.
- If a stranger approaches you and offers you a ride home, don’t answer—run away. Head into a store or restaurant if you’re not near a safe spot like your school. And if you feel like you’re in danger, yell for help.
source: National Safety Council