In order to facilitate bedrock removal there is a need to perform several controlled blasts on the McClennen Tract located at 1731 Old Bethlehem Pike. The controlled blasting will take place Monday through Friday between 8:00am and 5:00pm, weather permitting. A series of horns will occur prior to the blast.
The work will be supervised and conducted by personnel qualified with extensive experience in this field. All blasting operations will be monitored with seismographs to ensure vibrations generated by the blasting are within safe limits. It is likely and normal properties in the vicinity may be able to feel the vibrations and hear the sound from the activity, however the blasting is designed to limit vibrations and air-overpressure will be under legal limits.
Blasting concerns are to be reported to PA DEP Pottsville mining office at 570-621-3118 for investigation.
The first blast will occur Thursday, 5/25/2023 at 3:00pm and continue intermittently for several months. To be added to the email blasting notification list, send the request via email to the Township.