
Annual Budget
The East Rockhill Township Board of Supervisors adopts an annual budget to guide spending over the course of the year. Per section 3201 of the Second Class Township Code, the Township's fiscal year begins on the first day in January and ends on December 31st of that calendar year. Budget work sessions are held in September and October as advertised and the proposed preliminary budget is made available for public comment and thereafter approved.
The primary source of revenue for the Township is earned income tax (0.5%). An additional source of revenue is real estate tax. East Rockhill currently has a real estate millage rate of 12.235 mills: 8.725 mills are dedicated to general township functions, 1.0 mil Fire Tax is dedicated to the five fire companies that service East Rockhill, 1.26 mills Building Debt Service is dedicated to police headquarter and municipal complex building debt and 1.25 mills Permanent Capital Improvement is dedicated to long term improvements.
The voters of East Rockhill Township approved a 0.25% earned income tax for the purpose of purchasing open space. This is a dedicated tax and used for that purpose. House bill 1523 allows a portion of those monies to be expended on improvements to properties purchased according to guidelines.
In addition to taxes the township's other sources of revenue include permit fees, fines, cable franchise fees, rental income and a local service tax paid by persons working in East Rockhill.
After holding public meeting budget work sessions, on November 26, 2024, the 2025 final budget was adopted with income and expenses totaling $8,178,812, all funds, with no real estate tax or street light assessment increase. There will be an annual $100 increase to sewer usage rates in 2025 and 2026 for sewer infrastructure maintenance. See the 2025 Manager Budget Message for a details.
Current Financial Information:
Archive of Concise Financial Statements
Prior Years
2024 Budget Documents
2023 Budget Documents
2022 Budget Documents